Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm Gonna Bang Them All Night Long

Bongos that is!!! Get your minds out of the gutter!

I am now the proud owner of a set of bongos. I have wanted them for a few years now. I love percussion instruments and these were the perfect fit, shape for me. They also required the least amount of hand-eye coordination!

These were yet another birthday present from my wonderful boyfriend. He knew how bad I wanted them and then bought them for me.

When I saw he had gotten them for me, I was happier than a kid at Disney World. I immediately started playing them, and didn't stop for a few hours!

After my fingers started to hurt and my mom got sick of hearing them, I stopped playing them. But not for long.

I brought them back to Marietta with me and fully intend on playing them in my dorm, even if the boys across the hall slam their doors with aggravation. I may even get ambitious and have a jam session in Gilman!

But don't get your hopes up =]

So if you hear loud, obnoxious, bad bongo playing, it's me!

1 comment:

kevmcmill said...

Those are nice. I originally wanted some bongos, but ended up with a djembe. It's another great hand drum. I bet the two would sound great next to each other.