Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day.

I'm going to stray away from my usual music talk and bring up politics.

Today is election day. Duh. It's all EVERYONE has been talking about since before March.

And I'm sick of it. I am ready to punch the next person who brings up the election, in the throat.

All I keep hearing about is, make sure you vote, who did you vote for, republicans yay, democrats yay, STOP! It's annoying.

Leave people alone and let them make their own decisions on who to vote for, or to vote at all.

And also, when did it become ok for people to ask one another who they're voting for? From what I can remember that's a personal right and decision to keep that to yourself. Some people just don't get it.

Regardless of who wins, I can't wait till this day is over. I just have to prepare myself for the backlash of the losing party.

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